Increase Profitability


Increase profitability and completion rate of curated printed guidebooks. National publication business supporting local entrepreneurs in 40 cities.


Client has franchises in 40 cities nationwide with marginal success in capturing ROI for local businesses after publication. Client has been in business for over ten years and hired Kathy to increase profitability and visibility while also reducing production time frame in Minneapolis/St. Paul in 2010.

Backpocket’s solution:

Kathy refocused entire sales and production process to emphasize and increase foot traffic and sales to local business owners. Kathy bid out printing and production and found cost and time savings throughout entire process. Kathy suggested bringing printing to US vs. overseas where the production and shipping time caused lengthy delays. Kathy’s printing production expertise allowed for cost savings and efficiencies that were passed along to client. Kathy’s marketing strategy involved intense collaboration with local businesses throughout the project to ensure local community benefit and measurable results.

Backpocket’s impact

Printing was moved to the United States for a 3 month gain in production time to end product on shelves. Kathy’s strategy produced the largest first edition in the shortest production time in the 10-year history of the guide. Kathy’s strategy produced the first guide to ever to sell out. Kathy’s strategy increased profits and increased customer awareness for business owners involved in project. Kathy’s improved strategy was implemented in three other cities with similar positive results. Kathy’s editorial, production and manufacturing changes were then implemented with all other guides printed by this client. Kathy subsequently hired to manage seven city guides currently in production in 2010-2011.

MoneyKathy Hanson