How to run a profitable part time business out of your home

I was asked to create a class that will talk about the "real stuff" that it takes to run a business from home. So I did! It's coming up January 27, 2015.  I have a series of four classes I am teaching this Winter and Spring- all dealing with becoming a confident and successful business person in your busy life. Look for me February, March and April classes too! 

Who is this class geared towards?  

  • If you have an existing business and are struggling with finding time, energy or money to make it profitable. 

  • Have a real product or service that you have already begun selling and want to ramp it up to become a profitable business yet you have other time commitments 

  • Want to find 10 hours in your week to devote to writing a blog or providing an expert service & you do not know how to effectively manage your time to make that happen

  • This is NOT for someone just beginning to sell their product and service who wants to learn the nuts and bolts of HOW TO run a business. That's an entirely different course! 

I developed a Professional Development class Edina Community Education for women (or men!) who want to work part time from home or start working 10 hours a week towards a specific business goal i.e.;how to find the time to write a blog. I teach how to find the time, be the most effective with your time working, product pricing, negotiating confidently as well as business strategy. Please pass this along to anyone you know who will benefit from this class.

I use my 25 years of experience and client testimonials from Backpocket Strategy to share real world strategy that works! 

Class description: Are you an entrepreneur who has already found a passion for making a product or offering a service? Are you an at-home mom who wants to truly feel that you are a business woman and a professional who offers an excellent product or service to the world--at this point in your life, when raising children still dominates your schedule? If so, this class is for you. Join us!  You will learn how to focus your limited resources--time, energy and money--on your business for exactly 10 hours a week and make a profit. To get the most benefit from this class, you must have already "started" your business. Please come to class with the product or service you are selling (and preferably have already sold), with your price points ready to discuss! 

Thank you!

Register here:

Invest in yourself and your business. 

If you are THINKING about starting a business from home, this class will prepare you for all you will need to get started. Very thought provoking and real. 

I want you to succeed, so I pull no punches about how disciplined you need to be. 

Make it a great day! 

Be Wise, TimeKathy HansonComment