Phone hack improves Productivity

"Kathy, I saw this article and it reminded me of the great advice and wisdom you shared during the Business Series over the last several weeks! I have challenged my FB followers to try this for a week!"

The Super-Simple Phone Hack That Will Transform Your Productivity

This phone hack improves productivity! My client, attorney Erin Swanson, fabulous attorney, found this article and challenged HER clients to do it for a week. Last month I had challenged all my Business Series students to attempt, try, think about, turning notifications off on their phone AND not looking at their phone or hearing their phone for 45 minutes straight- several times a day! They hated the idea. 

One client even posted on Twitter that the idea was "stupid". Until he did it and was able to see how productive he was in the 45 minute window of silence and single focus! 

I know it is hard to do, even harder to believe that it won't kill your business. The opposite is true. Your clients will find that you are responding to emails and phone calls in a much more thoughtful and considerate way when you ONLY focus on phone calls, then ONLY focus on emails.  This simple phone hack improves productivity because you are hyper focused on ONE task that deserves ALL of your attention. As entrepreneurs I know we all believe that every single email and phone call is the NEXT BIG CLIENT and opportunity so we simply cannot NOT be available. But if you think about it- you make your money as a business owner when you are producing something- a product or a service for a single client- correct. When you are being paid to do something that your customer has hired you to do because YOU are the expert, your client deserves your 100% undivided attention. We can all agree on that.  So give your clients what they deserve, THEN turn your phone back on! 

I guarantee you will not lose any jobs because of it and you just may gain a reputation as the business owner who truly focuses on their clients! 


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